Pattaya Dental Implants

Pattaya Dental Implants are a means of replacing missing teeth without the use of dentures, although in certain circumstances dental implants can be used to secure dentures and so overcome the problems associated with normal denture wearing. As implants are totally self supporting, they do not require other teeth to aid them.

Well Established Technology
Implant technology was developed almost 40 years ago and has successfully been used in dentistry for at least thirty years. As this specialised dental implant treatment requires very advanced training and skills, only a few dental practices throughout the country, of which we are one, are able to offer this treatment.
Available Bone
dental implant is a metal post made from titanium which is a metal rarely rejected by the body. Implants can be used to replace a single missing tooth, several, or all missing teeth provided there is enough bone available. When teeth are lost, there is immediately set into motion a natural, lifelong, but completely irreversible process of bone and gum loss. The most rapid loss is in the first 3 – 6 months after teeth are missing, but thereafter the process only slows down and continues throughout life. Once lost, bone and gum cannot grow back naturally. For the latter reason, it is ideal to consider dental implant treatment as soon as possible after teeth are lost, as several years later, there may be insufficient bone available to place them. The degree and rapidity of bone loss varies with the individual.
Bone Augmentation
If there is insufficient bone available to place dental implants, but the loss has not gone beyond a certain point, new bone can be regenerated in the intended implant site using a technique called Bone Augmentation. This requires using either irradiated powdered human bone or an artificial substitute and can take up to six months to complete. If Bone Augmentation cannot be used, then the only other possible alternative is to transplant bone from the hip to the jaw, but this can only be provided privately in hospital.

Dental Implant Retained Dentures
Dental Implants can be used to support dentures and it us usually full lower dentures that cause most problems, although they can equally be used to support full upper dentures. The underside of full lower dentures are designed to fit over a ridge of bone. However, the ongoing bone loss that occurs when teeth are missing causes this bony ridge to eventually disappear so that the curved underside of the denture cannot fit onto the flat surface of the gum. At this point there is absolutely nothing conventional dentistry can do, other than to suggest using fixatives which may have to be applied several times daily. At this stage the denture is often so loose that most patients simply cease to wear it.

To solve this problem, a minimum of 2 – 3 dental implants can be placed into the lower jaw either a gold bar or precision fittings are fitted to the dental implants onto which a new full denture clips into place. Although a denture is still maintained, for many patients this is a very acceptable solution as they are comforted in the knowledge that their denture is securely attached to the dental implants and cannot fall out during eating, drinking or socialising.
For those patients who want to eliminate their full dentures all together, providing there is enough bone available, possibly between 8 – 12 implants could be placed in either jaw to support a bridge containing up to 12 – 14 crowns.

Age Limitations?

Dental Implants can only be used when all bodily growth has stopped which is normally age 16 years for girls and age 18 years for boys. There is no upper age limit for dental implant treatment provided there is enough bone available. Certain medical or psychological conditions may prevent implant treatment.

Benefits of Dental Implant Treatment

At present, implants are the best that technology can offer in replicating the function and aesthetics of natural teeth. Equally, dental implants are totally self supporting and do not require other teeth to aid them. In comparison, conventional bridges require teeth to support them. Irreversible damage is caused to these supporting teeth, plus the stresses of supporting a bridge can also shorten their expected life span. If the proposed supporting teeth for a bridge are already very heavily filled or slightly broken down, then crowning will strengthen them and improves their cosmetics.

The presence of dental implants stabilises bone loss at the implants site as it tricks the body into thinking tooth roots are present. Many implants are still functioning well after 20 years, although no guarantee can be given as to their longevity as dentistry is not a precise science.

The aesthetic and oral health benefits of dental implants are considerable, even compared to other fine methods of restoration featured at Central Pattaya Dental Center.

These benefits include:

๏ Stability and security: Unlike traditional, removable dental appliances, dental implants are fixed securely into the jawbone and will remain in place indefinitely. The titanium used in the artificial tooth roots is not recognized as a foreign substance by the body; therefore, the jawbone will grow around the dental implant, accepting it as an integrated part of the mouth. The restorations attached to the dental implant will have a stable base, allowing the patient to speak, chew, and smile with renewed confidence.

๏ The ability to bite and chew with confidence: Dental implants can withstand far greater biting pressure than removable bridges and dentures. Foods that might be difficult or impossible to eat with other restorations, steak and crunchy fruits and vegetables, for example can return to the diets of dental implant recipients.

๏ Teeth that look and feel completely natural: The trusted dental professionals of Central Pattaya Dental Center supervise every stage of the dental implant process, ensuring results of uncompromising quality. Our dentists craft replacement teeth to the most exacting standards so that the crowns, bridges, and dentures that are attached to our dental implants look, feel, and function like natural teeth.

๏ Durability and longevity: For anyone in search of a long-term solution to missing teeth, dental implants represent a clearly superior choice. Dental Implants require no special care beyond a healthy oral hygiene regimen and regular dental appointments. If cared for properly, dental implants can last for many years and even decades.

Long-Term Predictability
Long term success of pattaya dental implant treatments requires keeping the mouth as clean and plaque free as possible on a daily basis. Regular ongoing professional care and maintenance is also required. Implant retained dentures should be removed daily for cleaning together with the gold bar and/or precision fittings. Any accumulation of plaque or calculus (hardened plaque) can allow bacteria to tract down and destroy the bone surrounding the implants and cause them to fail together with the restorations they are supporting.

What are dental implants?
Dental implant is a titanium metal rod which is placed into the jawbone. It is used to replace or restore a missing tooth.

What factors contribute to the long term success of dental implants?
A Long-term success depends on multiple factors. Firstly, success will depend on the quality and quantity of bone. The better the bone and the more available, the greater the chance of long-term success. Secondly, the experience and ability of the dental surgeon will be a factor. As with any surgical procedure, there is no substitute for the experience and individual talent of the dentist. And finally, the quality of the restoration placed on top of the implant will play a big role in long-term success. If the design of the implant crowns or overdentures are poorly constructed, and biting forces are not balanced, even the best-placed dental implant will have a compromised survival rate.

Who can place a dental implant in my mouth?
A periodontist, an oral surgeon, or an implantologist places dental implants. The periodontist and oral surgeon are teamed with a restorative dentist. They will place the dental implants and then the patient will be seen by a restorative dentist for completion of the crowns or overlying appliance. There will be two dentists during the course of treatment. An implantologist is trained in both dental implant surgery and restoration of the dental prosthesis. An implantologist will do both the surgery and the restoration, and there will be only one dentist during the course of treatment.

Are there any age limitations for dental implants?

No. Any person at any age can have dental implants as long as there is enough bone available in which to place the dental implants.

What might be some factors that would prevent me from being a dental implant candidate?
There are some medical factors that might prevent a person from being a good candidate for dental implants. Some of these may be uncontrolled diabetes, chemotherapy or radiation therapy, parathyroid disorders, blood disorders, rare bone disorders or bone marrow cancer. Some physical factors may include insufficient or poor quality bone, low sinuses or nerve bundles.

How often will I need to have my dental implants checked?
The success of your dental implants will depend greatly on how well you maintain them. They will need to be professionally cleaned by a hygienist and examined by dental implant dentist every three to four months. This hygienist should be trained in the specific procedure of maintaining dental implants. Also, brushing and flossing daily is absolutely necessary for long-term success.

Is dental implant surgery painful?
No. An effective local anesthetic is used during the surgery so that you do not have any discomfort during the placement of the implants. The mild discomfort you might experience after surgery can be controlled with medications.

Why should I get dental implants instead of removable dentures?
Dental implants avoid many common problem normally associated with dentures including:
        ๏ Bone shrinkage
        ๏ Denture slipping
        ๏ Gum irritation
        ๏ Pain
        ๏ Difficulty eating

Bone shrinkage will alter your appearance over time, making you look older than you really are. It also means having to get a new set of dentures every few years.